Tuesday, November 24, 2009

So Again. Like I said. This Blog has no order to it. Just throwing pics up as I like. Here are some of the picture from Thailand from a few years back. I can't take credit for these ones but I think they are pretty awesome all the same.

Thats one Big Buddha You can see me there in the shorts..The first time I saw a toilet like this I asked myself. Hmm I wonder what that hose is for. Then I asked. Hey where's the toilet paper? Then I put two and two together. I made sure to use the toilet at the Hotel before I went anywhere!
I like the social contrast in this picture..Again. Who thought a Monk would be a smoker?

I have over 300 hundred pictures from the trip. So many temples. But I really don't feel any of these give a good perspective of the place. The majestic feeling of these ancient buildings was truly overwhelming at times. I spent literally hours just walking around the grounds thinking of what it must have been like when these were built. Unreal.

One day I'll get the pose right..


The poverty is unreal. I think as a photographer there is a fine ethical balance of exploitation and representation. I feel that by showing this poverty through the expression of photography, I am better able to bring awareness to the issues. I hope that by bringing this awareness to how millions of others live their lives, people will simply think. They may do nothing about the issues, or never change as an individual, but I hope they think.

Despite having Nothing. You see the happiness in the eyes of these children. Makes you think. What do we truly need to be happy?

By this point in the trip I was getting tired of temples. Dreaming of the beach.
Jack Fruit is Nasty!
Amazing that you could get bored of such an amazing place. But After 2 weeks of the same temples. I was ready to drink a cold beer on the beach...

Really? What can I say...

This picture gives no justice to the size and magnitude of this landscape.
Paradise really.
Sun is going down. I'm still sweating.
So apparently Thailand has a slightly reduced level of concern for the safety of its tourists. Oh I don't know. Maybe this is completely safe...

Majestic. No zoom lens or tricks.
These Tigers were 16 months old. Still kittens really.
One of my very few complaints about the country...

Monday, November 23, 2009

So I mentioned before about my trip to Newfoundland, and my completion of the Trans-Canada hwy. These pictures date back to when I was 19. This is where it all began. Summer 2004. Backpacking around Beautiful British Columbia. Living the dream. Picking apples. Hitch hiking and camping. I met a German Guy named Christoph. I have to credit these pictures to him. We got a job working together on an orchard but had 5 days to kill before harvest. Most of these pictures show those 5 days of hitch hiking around BC. From Summerland B.C to Jasper, down to Banff, and back to the Okanagan Valley. Then the work began. Our first night was spent in the an apple orchard beside the highway. Surprisingly not the strangest place we slept during the trip.

So we made it through jasper and back down to banff.
This is a picture from the highway just outside of Banff. We woke up early in the rain and stood on the highway ALL day. 6 hours of standing on the side of the road in the rain.
If it wasn't so damn beautiful I would have been pissed. But we get a ride after all. He says he can take us to Lake Louise, about 45 min down the highway. Its about 6:45 by the time we get in the car. Buddy tells us 20 mins into the drive that he's not going to go all the way there cause he didn't realize how far it was, and that he was just being nice. Buddy was being really weird. We said fuck it. Stop the car here. We got out.

So. Now we are about 22km outside of Banff in the middle of a National park. This is the Woods. Bears. Elk. Wolves. No lie. Its getting dark. Starting to rain again. So instead of setting up our tent and risk being eaten or trampled. We climb up under a highway overpass and hunker down for a long fitful night of sleep.

So we ended up having to hitch a ride back into town in the morning. We only had one day to get back to Summerland, BC. Thats roughly a 5 hour drive, which equals an 11 hour bus ride! Oh man. I hate busses. But we made it into town and made it back to the farm in time to start our apple picking jobs.

This set of pictures are some of my favorite shots with my favorite subject. Jessica has a natural ability in front of the camera. The sun and rain made such perfect photos. Enjoy :)
This is my favorite shot from this set. So much going on.

So Pretty :)


These following pictures were taken during a late afternoon walk down Front street in Toronto.
This dog is human.I'm an Asian Tourist. lol

I Love this City!