So this blog has no order or reason to it. Just adding pictures a I like. So these pictures date back to the late summer.
I travelled to the east coast to attend an old friend's wedding in Halifax. I took the opportunity to make a stop over in Newfoundland, and continued on a road trip with a buddy after the wedding. My trip to Newfoundland was significant for me because I managed to finish off the Trans-Canada highway. I have now officially driven down every last
So I spent some time bumming around St. John's while staying with Jenny's roommates.. Long story, Jenny wasn't home at the time. I could have stayed for a week but I had to get across the rock and down to Halifax within the week so I hit the road. I made an attempt at hitch hiking and made it out of the city as far as a town called Goobies. Thats roughly 156 km from St. John's in the middle of fucking Nowhere! (I forgot to mention on my second ride, I left my cell phone in his car) Got dropped off at the Irving Gas station around 2 pm and continued to stand on the highway for 4 solid, boring, hot sunny hours. No rides. Considering I had to be across the massive province in 2 days to meet Jenny, I decided to inquire about a Bus. Its 6:30 pm. The Bus comes at 8:30 am.
So I got some time to kill. I walked a kilometer or so down a side road a found a place to make camp. Had a few beers and read my book until sundown, had a small fire and ate supper. Nice quiet night really. Crazy? Maybe, but nice.
So I got on the longest bus ride of my life and arrived in Cornerbrook late in the afternoon. These past two days were spent in mild panic due to my lack of cell phone, and my inability to contact Jenny. I made friends with some weird old guy who helped me find a place to camp for the night. Found a walking trail and set up tent, had dinner before making my 300th phone call on a pay phone to Jenny. Finally got in touch. Next day. Met up with her and her boyfriend Arron. Went for a hike.

Got drunk at the bar.
Met some awesome nice people.
One guy took us caving in the morning.
Jenny and I spent some time making our way towards Halifax for the Wedding.
Stopped through Mabou in Cape Breton.
This is my absolute favorite picture I think I've ever taken so far.
Then there was the wedding! What a great party.
We got the Old Banff crew together for the first time is over 6 years! What a blast from the past. Mary. Oh my. Married! I feel old. No more crazy days in Banff. Drinking wine from the bottle. Were adults now. Mary even has a little baby boy to prove it! Little Dylan.
The wedding was amazing.
It suited Mary and Keith perfectly.
Keith is a member in a great band and they set up and played all night long. What an amazing night. Not to mention some really great shots..
I had been on the road for the first of a two week vacation and was about to start the second stretch of travel with my best friend Chris.
We rented a car and hit the road! Man was it ever nice to have a rented car. Fuck the bus. Hitch hiking really isn't what it used to be. We started out of Halifax and hit the rest of the maritime provinces. First stop was just outside of Moncton NB.
Spent a night at his grandparents cottage and ate the best lobster of my life! So next stop was Prince Edward Island. What a blast. Who would have thought that you could find an amazing party on a thursday night in Charlottetown? But the best part was seeing the sand dunes on the north coast.
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