Sunday, February 21, 2010

So I have another big announcement..

I've decided to come home early. Its been decided for a while, I pretty much knew I would be coming home early even before I left, I just wanted to give myself the time if I found I wanted it.
India is a big place. Its hard to see both the north and the south in one trip, and impossible to see it all in any amount of time. There is so much diversity that it would take years to see it all. So instead of seeing a small amount of the north, an area so different from the south, i've decided to save it all for another time. Nepal and the Himalayas will have to wait, but I will be back.

I have many reasons for coming home, but mainly, I just feel like it. I've had enough. I got the travel bug out of me. I saw some really powerful things in my past weeks, a fraction of which I have been able to share with you all. I miss my home. I miss my family and friends. I miss my girlfriend more than anything in the world. Being away from her has been the hardest thing I've had to do. I don't want to be apart any more.

So I'm looking into flights. I'm waiting for the reservation person to sort out some details but I should be able to get outta here by the end of the month. I'm going to spend the next few days getting over to see the Taj Mahal, and exploring this massive crazy city.

I'll let you know more about my trip when I get home. I plan to write an afterward. A section of entries that I didn't have time to share while on the road. The long lost notes of my trip. I've kept a detailed journal and have lots more to share. So if you've been enjoying the read, I'll be keeping it up for a little while after i'm back :)

Thanks again to everyone who has been following. I really am very glad to be able to share this trip with you. It means a lot to me.

Ps. Aunt Sam. I meant to answer that I mailed the suits home in a big package.

And to let you all know I'm taking some antibiotics and i'm starting to feel better. I would love to host a gathering at the house when I get back to show some more pictures once I have them developed. Maybe if the weather gets nice, a BBQ.

Ok, Gotta run. Love you all :)



  1. I have to say that I have divided feelings. I am disappointed that your travels are coming to an end. I have enjoyed reading your posts and have loved your photographs. I am sad that your travel blog is almost finished. It was a wonderful experience sharing your adventure.
    On the other hand, I am glad that you are coming home. Traveling always make me realize very quickly, that there is "no place like home."
    Have a safe trip!
    Love, Auntie Alison xo

  2. Well I have to say I agree with Alison ... I will be sorry not to wake up each morning to check to see if there is a new "Tommy" entry to read but I am glad you are safe and coming home ... Enjoy the rest of your journey, I look forward to seeing you and hearing about all your adventures.
    Stay love,
    Love, Aunt Sam
