Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I want to thank everyone who has been reading this blog, and to all of you who have let me know your following. It nice to know so many people are reading, and that I have a port of connection with the people I care about at home. Its very hard at times to be away from those we love, and especially in such a strange, and different place. I have waves of home sickness, but when I come and read comments, and e-mails, I feel the connection and I am rejuvinated for the next leg of my journey.
I am back in Mumbai, The big city. I had a mix of good and bad yesterday. I spent the entire day sitting around the public garden with 5 others from the hostel. A collection of international travellers from all over the world. I brought out my new guitar which I am very slowly learning, and practiced my few chords. Two of our group members were quite tallented, so I watched and learned and enjoyed the nice music. We had a drum as well, and sang along to a few familiar songs. The locals in the park seemed to enjoy the show, and gathered around in packs of 20. Mostly middle aged men enjoying the cool shade, and the day off from work on Republic day, a national holiday here in India. This was a welcome retreat from the traffic and heat of this congested city. The pace was slow and the company was nice. This was the good part of my day. The Bad was sprinkled in throughout. The combinations of annoyances that have grown to become rather overwhelming at times. Walking anywhere in the streets is a frustration while sales people pressure you into buying everything you can think of. One man hawks huge plastic ballons, coming into your path while you navigate the busy street. "You want Big Balloon?" I feel like screaming "Why the fuck do I want a Big Balloon?? No! Get out of my way". But I just ignore the tout and walk past. I hate the barter with every sale, the impossibility of attaining an honest price from the start. Our first try at getting a cab from the train station quoted us 150 rp, We found a metered taxi which ended up a total of 19 rp. This insane mark-up of prices, the hustle on unsuspecting tourists is becoming very frustrating. I shared this same sentiment with the group when we walked to Chowpatty beach later that night. This local promanade was set up for the holiday, where ice cream and more useless crap was being sold. While we again sat and relaxed, enjoying the cool evening air, the hustle of chai became unbearable. Conversations were interupted while some guy screams "Chai Chai!" right next to you. I got some feedback from a few who had been in the country longer, and am a little worried to hear that Mumbai isn't the worst of this. But I rest assured knowing that I will find time to relax on the beach, and my travel mate shares the desire to escape the touts and find the quiet side of Goa. I am also looking very forward to a Yoga retreat I have planned for the 16th of february. This two week Ashram lifestyle will be a welcome relief from the streets of india, and a chance to recollect my sanity. I crave Yoga, as I havn't had the chance to get a proper class in. I have also made some mental plans to escape India all together, and move into the more tranquil, less travelled country of Nepal. Following my Yoga treat I plan to do the Golden Triangle of Dehli, then escape the tourist trail and head for Kathmandu, and find a nice long mountain trek. I'm sure my plans may change, but I'm quite certain I will spend at least my last month of travel in the buddhist tranquility of the Nepali mountains. These peaks have been calling my name well before even arriving in India. It is simply the weather, and season that prevent me from going immediately. I hope by March the weather should be more tollerable. I don't have much else to update. I have my train ticket for Goa booked for tonight. An over night trip south. Maybe I can describe the night trains in more detail. This is an optimal way to travel, though little can be seen of the country side. Your accomodation for the night is included in your trip, as you sleep in a fold down bunk. Three layers of bunks face each other in cubical sized spaces. The platform is long enough even for myself to stretch out flat, and the rumble and hum of the train is soothing enough to get to sleep. Although a gravol doesn't hurt to help you along the way. A little reading my flashlight, and its off to dream land, hours later, and kilometers past, you wake up in your new destination, rested and ready to start your day. No time is wasted travelling, and no accomodations are spent. Some trains have people selling treats and water, others late at night are peaceful and quiet. I really enjoy train travel and I am looking forward to my moving bed tonight.
Thanks agian to all who have been reading, its really great to know I can share this with someone. I hope everyone is doing well, and I am also thinking about Haiti. Altough no word is said of it here. I guess they have thier own problems. I'll update after my beach vacation and let you know how it goes. Talk soon.

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