Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday Jan 20th - Mumbai India
I have been reunited with my backpack. I got it yesterday morning and took a shower imediately! Best cold shower of my life :) So I feel like I have so much to add, but I am rapidly forgeting details, even just the last two days have been so packed that I can't share it all. Some highlights perhaps?
Yesterday morning I woke up at 5am, I have been a little jetlaged and was still worried about my backpack so had trouble sleeping. I rolled around in bed for half an hour but soon gave up. I decided to venture out into the streets and do some early morning exercise and watch the sun rise. A load of people had the same idea and could be found taking brisk walks along the pier. I stretched my legs and ran a few laps of the waterfront. I took a seat next to the Gateway of India, and waited patiently for the sun to rise. I sat in the cool morning air, knowing the freshness of the morning would not last. The days are hot, muggy and thick with smog I would describe as smoke. So I enjoyed the few hours of calm. I said hello to a young Indian guy a few years younger than myself. He smiled wide and greated me as many Indians seem to do. Hello, whats your name, where are you from, how old are you?... etc. I returned the crossfire of questions and was soon approached by a friend of this young man. gradually one by one a group of around 12 surrounded this exotic looking bearded white man. The group belonged to a college from far in the north, the crowd was on a tourist trip. We spent time exchanging questions and posing for pictures. Which I will post tomorrow :S. (I have just jumped in the cafe quick to read some mail and update a little) The sun rose and I said my goodbyes. As I wandered around the square I noticed a group of around 20 doing some warm up stretches, as I ventured in for a closer look I was invited to join. I of course jumped in and mimicked the group the best I could, once the warm up was over, the leader performed a series of different laughs from around the world, different techniques of laughing! They had the german laugh, the Indian laugh, the American Laugh. I was asked where I was from, and was encouraged to show them how Canadian's Laugh. This was my induction to the Laughing Club of mumbai :) He he he Ho ho ho. I also added a new laugh... I smiled for the rest of the day while telling my other travellers of the Mubai Laughing club. I recruited 6 others and we woke up to laugh again this morning.
The rest of the day was spent with my new friend and travel partner John, we walked the massive markets of mumbai and saw the train station which Slum Dog was filmed. We ventured off into some lesser travelled areas of the city and was given an amazing perspective of the real world of india. I don't know how to describe the sights available, its too unlike the world we live to begin to describe the scene. The traffic, the non-stop horns, the beggars and touts. Its unreal. I have adjusted quickly though and I am getting good at ignoring those who wish to sell me crap or devise a scam. I bought two tailored suits at the market :) Dark blue, and black, differerent styles, with pants and dress shirts. I have my second fitting tomorrow which will take place at my hotel, the finished product will also be delivered to my door. This service for two quality designer suits cost me a total of 241 dollars Canadian! I'm not sure If I got over charged, and to be honest I don't care. This product would cost me thousands back home. I'm excited to try it on :)
Thats it for the update. I wish I could write forever but I have to get home to rest, today was a big day. A tour of the city that was physically, emotionally and spiritually draining. But as to build suspense I will save this day for another entry. Thank you all for you comments and e-mails. I Love you all and miss you. Thanks for reading :)


  1. Everyone sounds so friendly and warm! I'm picturing this laughing club and can't help laughing myself. It's contagious :)
    Stay safe,

  2. Sounds like you are having a wonderful adventure. I smile whenever I think of your laughing club ... an idea that should be embraced by everyone!!! Love following you and get some pictures on!!!
    Stay safe
    Love & hugs
    Aunt Sam

  3. The temperature here is hovering around the freezing mark so I envy the thought of it being too hot to sleep, although the pollution doesn't sound so inviting.

    I am looking forward to seeing the photos to go along with your description of the city.

    Take care,

    Uncle Jim
