Sunday, January 17, 2010

So here I am. In Mumbai India. Writing my first International Blog! To be honest I never thought I would start a blog at all, and now i'm sitting, sweaty and paying per hour to get it all down to share. This blog is open to everyone, I will often use it to respond to e-mails while I update my travels, and use it to share my thoughts, feelings and goals. Here we go I have lots to say in my first post.

Jan 16th, 2010 - Saying goodbye

I started keeping a journal that my aunt gave me as a going away present, I sometimes write full sentences and choose words carefully, other times I scrible quick thoughts. My first entry was "The hardest thing to do was to say goodbye to my girl Jessica. The love of my life" I meant this entry in more ways than I can describe. It was a challenge to save the money, to plan the trip, quit my job. It was hard to get my mind around leaving the comforts of home. But compared to watching my girlfriend cry, the rest was a breeze. I felt like a suck when I got teary eyed watching 500 days of summer on the flight over, I just couldn't, and still cannot get her off my mind. But for now. I focus on my trip. Think about the future and dream the days when I can share this passion of mine with that very special woman.

Jan 17th 2100hr - Its real now.

I'm sitting in the Abu Dhabi airport with a gentelman I met during the 3 hour layover. He bought me a beer and helped pass the time and deal with the mental stress of having just endured the 13 hours non-stop flight from pearson. 13 hours. No sleep, 2 meals and myslef with maybe 3 other white people on the flight. My world is shifting. I shared this time with Jo and while we waited I thought about travelling and being lonely. I have an amazing way of meeting people and I feel that no matter where I go, I am never alone. In travel you have the choice to be as alone, or as connected as you want. I thought for a minute about that fact, and perhaps I may have the opposite affliction that shy people have. I am Never alone. So I reflected that if I am to connect with myself in the way I want to, I may need to choose the lonely road from time to time, and enjoy my own company. This is something I must learn to do. Contentedness with my own mind, thoughts and feelings. I hope perhaps that this journal thing may provide the right outlet for me. It may help me internalize my own thoughts and allow me to discover who I truly am.

Jan 18th 0545 - Mumbai !

I was given a true Indian welcome. An introduction of sorts into the organized chaos of the country of over 1 billion people. I exited the final 3 hour flight from Abu Dhabi to Mumbai, and eagerly approached the baggage carousel. I waited patiently while mt friend Jo promptly found his stowed luggage, said our fairwells, good lucks and hand shakes. I still stood patiently and chatted absently with a few fellow westerns, until they found their bags and made way to customs. I began to shift my weight when they last five people stood around, one-by-one taking the few remaining articles. I stood with growing trepidation, and joked half heartedly to an english bloke, saying that of course someone has to be the last one to pick up the last bag from the flight, thats law. But when No more bags came from the tiny hole that I watched so intently, I froze, my anxiety grew to panick as I asked the baggage carrier if more bags were coming. My heart sank at his "no". My next steps were blind, literaly, I walked in a complete circle, not sure of what to do. My new english friend with whom I shared such unfortunate circumstances ventured to the desk being motioned towards. After enquiry, I was handed documentation that stated my bag, my tiny back-pack just a little too big for carry-on, the bag with my only pair of extra underwear, my Deoderant, Toothbrush, well yes, this bag was left behind in Abu Dhabi because there was not enough space in the luggage hold. I was told they will forward my belongings to my new temporary residence at the Red Shield House. So I took the wild taxi from the airport across town with my camera bag, a book and my ID. I sat a wrote in the early morning hours sitting on the dusty steps of the sleeping hostel.

Jan 18th 1121hrs - Mumbai

All is not lost. I have made contact with the hotel, my bags are scheduled to hitch a ride on the evening flight and will be returned safe to my hostel across town. I was assured by many that this has happened before, and I should be all set by tomorrow morning. I have made yet another friend, an american about my age with just a slightly longer beard. We shared a tasty breakfast and wandered a few streets. I'm exhausted, sleep deprived really. Considering my minor set-back, I have found it hard to sleep, especially in the middle of the day in 30 degree heat. So I push on and wait patiently until I have all my things in one place. Then I will start to plan my next move. For now. I rest, and take it in. I will use this time to adjust to this new world. Thats all for now. Keep in touch and please send me some e-mail, I think I'll need it :)

Pictures will follow. Just gotta take some first ;)


  1. What an adventure already! I'm proud of you babe!! Xoxo much love, hugs and kisses.

  2. Oh boy, what a start. We are glad that you made it there safely and look forward to the photos and updates.

    Uncle Jim

  3. I am so glad you made it safe and sound albeit with a few bumps along the way!!! Looking forward to more updates and lots of pics.
    Stay safe
    Aunt Sam

  4. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut, perhaps? If you were born a couple of hundred years ago, you probably would have been an explorer. Not everyone could do what you are doing and all of us are going to benefit the enjoyment of your brave travels by reading your blog.
    I am very glad to hear that you made your long trip safely and that your luggage has been located. Looking forward to reading more but until then, I will keep you in my prayers to stay safe. Love, Auntie Alison xo
